iraq map

Launched in Silicon Valley, California, in 2003, is a Marketplace and Business Development firm dedicated to reconstruction and economic development in Iraq. We bring together corporations, lending institutions, entrepreneurs, suppliers, and contractors from inside and outside Iraq.  Our services include Joint Ventures Strategies, Project Management, and Investment Promotion in Iraq.  We offer customized studies and forecasts on different segments of Iraq’s economy. is a non-political organization for all companies interested in the new democratic Iraq.  Our firm is dedicated to transforming Iraq into an active member of the world economy.  Companies and organizations interested in this effort can contact us.  We will log your information into our database to match recent requirements from our existing partners and investors.

Poised for Prosperity, Iraq’s Oil will auction up to 6.7 million barre per day by 2030

Released by LT Bill Speaks, COMUSNAVCENT Public Affairs.

While its proven oil reserves of 142,503 billion barrels rank Iraq among the top 5 in work behind Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Canada, and Iran, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that up to 90 percent of the country remains unexplored due to years of wars and sanctions. Unexplored regions of Iraq could yield an additional 170 billion barrels. Iraq’s oil production costs are among the lowest in the world. However, only about 2,000 wells have been drilled in Iraq, compared to more than 1 million in Texas alone.  The founder of Brittain Capital Management claims that Iraq’s ambitious plans to boost oil production are just getting started. The world’s biggest oil companies are working on development plans to reinvigorate existing fields and explore new areas. If Iraq is prosperous, the country will rival Saudi Arabia and Russia as one of the largest oil producers in the world.